Machine Elf Extravaganza!

Welcome to the Ultimate Machine Elf Extravaganza!

"The elves are dancing in the fractal dimensions of hyperspace!" - Terence McKenna
Crazy Machine Elf Art 1
"Reality is not static. It is a wavering, wobbling, whirling dance of energy and matter." - Tom Robbins
Crazy Machine Elf Art 2
"The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are." - Bill Hicks

Play the Ultimate Elf Snake Game!

"The elves are weaving the fabric of reality with their hyperdimensional looms!" - Random Elf
Crazy Machine Elf Art 3
"The imagination is the golden pathway to everywhere." - Terence McKenna
Crazy Machine Elf Art 4
"Life is the ultimate trip, and the ultimate trip leads to the ultimate realization." - Bill Hicks
Crazy Machine Elf Art 5
"The universe is a continuous web. Touch it at any point and the whole web quivers." - Tom Robbins
"The elves are the architects of the cosmic dance, weaving the tapestry of existence!" - Mystic Elf
Crazy Machine Elf Art 6
"The machine elves are the gatekeepers of the hyperspace realm, guiding us through the dimensions!" - Psychonaut
Crazy Machine Elf Art 7